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Tamarind Mem

Tamarind Mem - Anita Rau Badami I struggled a bit with this book. I was given the book ten or more years ago and was told that it was amazing. I finally got around to reading it as I'd read another one of Ms. Badami's books (Can You Hear the Nightbird Call?) and loved it. I'm not sure if it was the style of writing that was tripping me up or whether it was the format (I am used to reading trade style paperbacks but had this one in mass-market - ick). At any rate, once I got into Saroja's side of the story, it made Kamini's side a lot clearer. Perhaps that was the point, to illustrate how only getting one side of a story leaves out many details of the full picture.

All in all, I found it interesting and did not regret my decision to perservere to the end. I am a little tenative however, about reading the other book of her's that I have, Tell it to the Trees, particularly in light of the less than stellar reviews it's received. I have lots to read in the meantime!